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Volunteer Examiners

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  • Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) system

    Gateway to the Amateur Radio service.

    FCC created the VEC system to provide initial licensing examination for prospective new hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. FCC authorized VEC organizations oversee the work of their certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) and serve as a liaison between the exam applicants and the FCC.

  • ARRL VEC Program

    The ARRL’s VEC program has a long standing tradition of serving the Amateur Radio community and the FCC with integrity and expertise. As the largest VEC in the nation, we operate as a knowledgeable information source for a wide-range of licensing issues.

    ARRL accredited Volunteer Examiners (VEs) support us around the country by offering exam opportunities in their local communities and helping exam candidates fulfill their Amateur Radio aspirations.

    Service and volunteerism are vital parts of our Amateur Radio culture. VEs give so generously of their time, energy and skill to our community. The ARRL hopes that you will embark on this rewarding journey and become an ARRL Volunteer Examiner!

  • What does a Volunteer Examiner (VE) do?

    Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are US licensed Radio Amateurs holding a General Class license or higher, who offer their time to administer the FCC licensing exams through a FCC authorized Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) organization. The ARRL VEC is the largest VEC organization in the US.  A team of three or more ARRL VEs are able to test candidates applying for a new license or upgrading an existing license.

    Learn how you can become a VE associated with the ARRL VEC program by reviewing our Volunteer Examiner Manual.

    ARRL also authorizes our VEs to conduct exam sessions for ARRL's Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course.  An additional registration with ARRL's Continuing Education Program is required. Learn More

    Consider contributing your time and expertise to your local community by becoming an ARRL VE.  Serving the Amateur Radio community as a VE is a gratifying experience!


View a slide show or video by Marcel Stieber AI6MS explaining remote video-supervised sessions using online exams.
Fully-Remote Amateur Radio Exam Administration:   Slides  or  Video   

  • VE Manual

    Get the full VE Manual, where you'll learn all of the protocol and rules for being an ARRL VE. Learn More

  • Remote Video Online Exams

    VE teams can conduct in-person and online exam sessions. Visit the VE Resources page for information. Learn More

  • VE E-Newsletter

    Subscribe for free to this e-newsletter for Volunteer Examiners. Tips and expert advice to make sure your exam sessions go smoothly. Learn More

  • EmComm Field Examiner

    ARRL VEs can also administer Field Exams for ARRL Emergency Communications courses. Learn More


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