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I have lived in apartments and have had antenna restrictions for many years, never getting on low ba

May 15th 2023, 16:30


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I have a question on corner reflectors.
I have been trying to build a corner reflector for 70 cm but can no longer find an antenna calculator for this band (or any other),
aside from a desire to have accurate information for more quality
I happened to notice the similarity of the corner reflector to a radio telescope horn.
What I was wondering was is the shape of the horn ( other then circular polarization) for band width or more gain with respect to frequencies.
If I were to build my corner reflector using this arrow shape (on two sides vertical polarization) would I have more gain?
From what I can perceive from what little calculations and numbers for the dimensions are on the web, as the antenna becomes larger the scale of the antenna and the rods toward the front are much longer then the ones next to the
dipole much like the american flag as a two foot flag and a 6 foot flag are the same simetry by law, is this purely for bandwidth or more gain also? If the rods in front of the dipole are 12-13 inches and the ones out 3 or four feet to the front are much longer, would this work better?

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