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Need Help Finding an Emergency Communications Class

Nov 21st 2024, 22:44

Joined: Nov 21st 2024, 03:53
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Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to find a course to enhance my skills in emergency communications, but I’m having trouble locating anything nearby or online that fits my schedule. I’m particularly interested in ARRL’s EC-001 course or other similar training that provides a solid foundation for participating in EmComm activities.

I currently hold a General Class license and have been active in my local ARES group here in Houston, Texas. My goal is to get more involved in emergency response efforts, especially during hurricane season, where reliable communication can be critical.

So far, I’ve checked ARRL’s website, reached out to nearby clubs, and even contacted emergency management organizations, but I haven’t had much luck. Does anyone know of any upcoming courses, online options, or resources I could explore? I’m also open to recommendations for books, videos, or self-study materials to get started while I search for a class.
level devil 2
If you’ve been in a similar situation, how did you find training opportunities? Any advice on connecting with experienced EmComm operators who might offer mentoring would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Mar 11th, 03:33


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