What happened to my ham radio?
Nov 7th 2013, 23:55 | |
Howard60Total Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I am 74 years old and was first licensed in 1954 at age 14 as KN6LSL. I fell in love with the hobby and soon became K6LSL. Over the years, there have been periods if time in which circumstances created times when I was not active. I reached a peak in the '90's as N0KOE in Denver, Colorado. From 1997 until 2013, I was inactive. But, I recently have unpacked my trusty TR-4 and am in the process of setting up my shack again now that I am finally fully retired and have the time to devote. But, Ham Radio all od a suddenly only vaguely resembles the hobby I grew up with. I am a CW lover, especially straight key, although I succumb and buy a Vibroplex "bug" in the '90's. So, the no-code idea bothered me at first. I thought it was fantastic learning tool. But that is me. However, I got my first few issues of QST and CQ, and found articles on contesting such as using "Remote Control". Being in South America and operating using an antenna farm in the United States. While I realize that computers and the Internet are marvelous tools that most of us would be lost without; I think that we are allowing them to take the personal touch out of the ham experience. Working CW by typing on a keyboard and allowing the computer to send the code and then reading the return just seems to me senseless. Maybe I should just get off my soapbox; let those that like that carry on and I will fire up my TR-4 and Vibroplex. I will work the same contest, get 1% of the score of the big guys, but betcha I will have a lot more fun doing than they will. Thanks for listening Howard Campbell - N0KOE Traphill, NC |
Nov 15th 2013, 11:35 | |
N4AABTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
For myself, I cannot hear code faster than about 5 wpm. It blurs. I tried for months to learn it. No go. I couldn't get a license due to that. With the CW requirement dropped, but there are questions about it on the tests, I have my general class license. I hope to get my AE next year. When I retire next year, I will once again try to learn Morse. Maybe I'll learn it this time. I'm not as old as you, but I do remember when home computers were considered fictional. My watch has more memory than my first computer. My hand held calculator has more memory than the computer on the Apollo space craft. Some changes are for the better, and some aren't. I dreamed of doing moon bounce communications back when Telstar was first launched. I can probably afford it now, no need for a large dish antenna taking up most of a yard. Good luck with your gear. I am working on my first antenna. |
Nov 22nd 2013, 13:54 | |
N0NBTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
First off, welcome back, Howard. Now, I don't wish to be harsh, but for those of us who have remained active in the hobby over the years these things have happened gradually and incrementally and obviously don't appear as jarring as they would to someone inactive for 15 years or so. That said, what others are doing regarding things like remote control really don't bother me so long as the station is identified correctly, the transmitted signal meets the accepted technical standards, and the op isn't a LID. I operate as I enjoy it and leave others to operate as they enjoy within the parameters of good operating practice. If your desire is to be a "boy and his radio", you'll find many kindred spirits to chat with. Also, don't let it matter if the other station is taking a more technology reliant approach, enjoy the QSO. 73, de Nate >> N0NB.us |