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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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EATON ARC FAULT BREAKERS Nov 29th 2023, 18:24 1 2,071 on 29/11/23
HF Vertical antennas Nov 9th 2023, 19:43 1 2,058 on 9/11/23
VHF folded dipole array freq. adjust May 28th 2015, 02:28 2 6,059 on 28/5/15
Long run 450 ohm ladder line Sep 11th 2014, 13:05 4 7,490 on 14/1/15

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I just started to use my 100w Kenwood in my house for the first time and Eaton breaker tripped. I saw that this has been a issue with a lot of Hams and ARRL said they had gotten with Eaton and they said they would let ARRL know when a new breaker came out. Long story short I called Eaton to complain. They sent me 2 new breakers for free and said that this would fix the issue. I will install them in my house this weekend and see if what they said is true, If so if you still have issues this may be the fix I hope. My house was built in 2018.
HF Vertical antennas KJ5GY on 9/11/23
Looking for information on Fixed HF Vertical antennas in the mountains
VHF folded dipole array freq. adjust KJ5GY on 28/5/15
I have access to a commercial 4 stack 156 mhz folded dipole array that we would like to convert for 147.5 mhz for a repeater use. Are there any simi-simple ways to convert this array for this use? Thanks Jeff
Long run 450 ohm ladder line KJ5GY on 12/9/14
Thanks for the reply although it is not really what I wanted to hear. I will be doing a lot more reading to see more options. things would not be so problematic if I were not in a valley closely surrounded by ridges. One thing I miss about Louisiana is that there was nothing in the way of my signal. Thanks
Long run 450 ohm ladder line KJ5GY on 11/9/14
I moved to south central Kentucky from south Louisiana and wanting to set up a station again. My shack is now located near the entrance of my property near overhead power lines at approximately 562' agl and is surrounded by ridges. The only place I can feasibly install antennas is on the south ridge approximately 1000' south east of the shack which will give me about 780' agl. Because of cost and line loss i am wanting to use 450 ohm window line but I am not sure it this will work. I have tried to find info on this subject but found very little. Can someone point me int the right direction. I also would like to have multiple antennas and cannot find any design info for a remote switching device for ladder line, only coax.
New Hillbilly Ham

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