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Joined: Thu, Aug 29th 2013, 22:13 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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antenana help Sep 19th 2013, 19:51 3 7,276 on 20/9/13
antenana help Sep 19th 2013, 19:44 1 7,135 on 19/9/13
KI6DZR Sep 19th 2013, 19:20 1 6,410 on 19/9/13

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antenana help KI6DZR on 20/9/13
Thank you, you raise some good points. I will rig up a 40 dipole and listen around. KI6DZR
antenana help KI6DZR on 19/9/13
Help, antenna selection support , equipment: yaesu 857D, 1030A power supply. For diplole : capable of max horizontal 70', 55' easy, need regional HF coverage for red cross from next door to ~ 500 miles, day / nite, max capable elevation of a diplole wire 23' AGL, at orientation N/S mag. . Multiband needed, 10-40, 10-80 prefered for base station. Any ideas? Thanks KI6DZR

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antenana help KI6DZR on 19/9/13
Help, antenna selection support, technician , studying for general, equipment: yaesu 857D, 1030A power supply. For diplole : capable of max horizontal 70', 55' easy, need HF coverage from next door to ~ 500 miles, max capable elevation of a diplole wire 23' AGL, at orientation N/S mag. Red Cross application, regional coverage needed next door to ~ 500 miles day / nite. Desire 10-80 M; doe not need to be pretty, just relalabe at 100W. Have seperate 2m antenna system. for. Multiband needed, 10-40, 10-80 prefered for base station. Any ideas? Thanks KI6DZR

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KI6DZR KI6DZR on 19/9/13
Help, antenna selection support, technician , studying for general, equipment: yaesu 857D, 1030A power supply. For diplole : capable of max horizontal 70', 55' easy, need HF coverage from next door to ~ 500 miles, max capable elevation of a diplole wire 23' AGL, at orientation N/S mag. Red Cross application, regional coverage needed next door to ~ 500 miles day / nite. Desire 10-80 M; doe not need to be pretty, just relalabe at 100W. Have seperate 2m antenna system. for. Multiband needed, 10-40, 10-80 prefered for base station. Any ideas? Thanks KI6DZR

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