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best choice for 2 meter Base antenna in wwoded area Oct 28th 2014, 22:06 3 5,373 on 23/12/14
best choice for 2 meter Base antenna in wwoded area Oct 28th 2014, 22:06 1 5,176 on 28/10/14

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best choice for 2 meter Base antenna in wwoded area N4ROE on 28/10/14
I am moving to the mountains of North Carolina. the lot is wooded, not closed in but plenty of trees. Is one type of antenna a better choice than another considering the trees? I am thinking about mounting the antenna I choose fairly high using a roof or chimney mount. Thanks
best choice for 2 meter Base antenna in wwoded area N4ROE on 28/10/14
I am moving to the mountains of North Carolina. the lot is wooded, not closed in but plenty of trees. Is one type of antenna a better choice than another considering the trees? I am thinking about mounting the antenna I choose fairly high using a roof or chimney mount. Thanks

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