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S-COM 7K Repeater Controllers Sep 22nd 2021, 15:13 3 6,745 on 24/9/21

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S-COM 7K Repeater Controllers Broadfoot on 24/9/21
Thanks for the reply. Tones were there at the input pin but the 7K's DTMF light was not flashing. Listened to the tones from DTMF Dial and compared with those from the key pad I was using to manually enter stuff and they were off frequency. Went searching for new software. DTMF Dial Tone Generator 1.0 from works very well with the 7K.
S-COM 7K Repeater Controllers Broadfoot on 22/9/21
I am a relatively new ham. The club I belong to has several S-Com 7K controllers, one of which has been on one of the club repeaters for a number of years. We would like to use the others on other repeaters the club has. I have learned how to program the 7K using a homebrew cable, amplified speaker and a DTMF Key pad on the bench. The club uses Bridgecom repeaters and one is in the shop to get the cans tuned up. I have successfully got a 7k interfaced with this repeater and have a number of features and voice ID programmed and it actually works. I am not good at keying long strings of numbers by hand and would like to send command strings from my programing spreadsheet as DTMF tones from my laptop. The DTMF Dial program seems to create the tones on my PC but the 7K doesn't see them. With a small amplifier, the output from the PC appears to be the same amplitude as the output from the DTMF Key pad.

Does anyone have a good way of doing this. It would allow me to do a more complete programming job and be much faster.
John Broadfoot

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