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Looking to locate a home made beam antenna article Aug 1st 2011, 21:43 3 7,183 on 2/8/11

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Logbook of the World K1DFT on 8/3/12
I had LOTW but it was confusing cumbersom to us it sucked
ARRL needs to make setup a lot eaiser
Looking to locate a home made beam antenna article KA7RRA on 1/8/11
Note: This topic was moved from Technical Discussions to Technical Q&A.

I'm looking for a Antenna that I saw in QST magazine I think back 2004-2006. It is a 2 element beam( maybe QUAD) made out of PCV pipes (tubes) I HAVE looked in the QST ARCIEVES (SP) but have not found it yet IF I remember the antenna looked like a long V with a 18 inch support in the middle but I can't remember this is the best I can do


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