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metal roof under a ocfd antenna Aug 31st 2016, 20:49 2 6,179 on 6/9/16

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metal roof under a ocfd antenna K7WYR on 31/8/16
I live in a mobile home. I would like to run a ocfd antenna across the roof to a tree in back of the mobile. The front of the antenna will attach to a house knob screwed into the peak of the roof than extend towards the tree at maybe a 45 degree angle. Running a 100 watts will the reflections off the metal roof cause any cancellation of signal or maybe help the transmitted signal. Thanks for your help Doug Flint K7WYR.
R-7 and metal roof KA0LDG on 30/8/16
I live in a mobile home, I would like to run a ocfd over the entire length of my mobile to a tree in back of home. this will maybe run at a 45 degree angle towards the tree. the short part of the antenna will be at the low end, with a house knob screwed into the peak. will this cause any problems as i run 100 watts. Thanks Doug K7WYR.

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