ARRL at Home May 21 – 23 Offering a Weekend of Specials
We’ll miss seeing you in Dayton again this year, so we put together a weekend of specials to make you feel like you were there. Join ARRL or renew your membership this weekend and get two bonus gifts — your 2021 ARRL at Home for Hamvention button and an exclusive, reusable “Member 2021” grocery bag. Shop book specials, new spring items, Field Day, and Solar Cycle 25 gear, and many more surprises. Every order this weekend gets a 2021 ARRL button to add to your collection, and everything ships (within the US) for only $5. Check your email May 21 – 23 for these offers, with a special preview on May 20.
W1AW, the Maxim Memorial Station at ARRL Headquarters in Connecticut, will also be on the air during the Hamvention QSO Party, Saturday, May 22, from 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern time (1200 – 2359 UTC). Your exchange should include a signal report and the first year you attended Hamvention. If you have never attended Hamvention, send "2021" in place of the year. Visit the Dayton Hamvention website for complete details. ARRL will premiere a video tour of the W1AW antenna farm on Friday, May 21, at 8 PM Eastern / 2359 UTC on the ARRL YouTube channel. The tour will include live chat with W1AW Station Manager and Trustee Joe Carcia, NJ1Q.