EME SSTV Party Could Become an Annual Event
Many stations are reported to have made Earth-moon-Earth (EME) SSTV transmissions on last year’s 50th anniversary celebration of the moon landing.
“We could only do it on the exact date 50 years later, and EME conditions were not very good last year,” said Jan van Muijlwijk, PA3FXB, of the PI9CAM team at Dwingeloo Astronomic Observatory. “[W]e saw many stations joining the SSTV party, and we were surprised to see what is possible even with small dishes. Because of that, we would like to try to make it an annual EME SSTV party.”
A lunar landing EME SSTV party is set for July 26. “Moon conditions will be better than last year,” van Muijlwijk said. “The moon is not very high in the northern hemisphere but much closer than last year, so we expect stronger signals and better images. The PI9CAM team will transmit several lunar landing and space-related images on 1296.110 MHz using Martin 2 mode.