Intrepid-DX Group Announces Youth Essay Contest
The Intrepid-DX Group, a US-based IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes amateur radio in developing countries, has announced its first Youth Essay Contest. The prize is a new Icom IC-7300 transceiver, which the winner must agree to keep and use for 1 year.
Participants will prepare a two-page essay answering these questions: (1) What are your amateur radio goals? and (2) What can we do to attract more youth to amateur radio?
The competition is open to US amateur radio licensees aged 19 or younger.
Submit essays in text or MS Word attachment by July 31, 2020, or mail to The Intrepid-DX Group, 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA 95148, postmarked by July 31, 2020. The winner will be announced on August 10 on the Intrepid-DX Group website and on its Facebook page. Email for more information.
The Intrepid-DX Group hopes to make the Youth Essay Contest an annual event.