Malpelo DXpedition to Get Underway in January 2012
The HK0NA DXpedition to Malpelo -- an island located approximately 235 miles from Colombia’s Pacific coast -- is scheduled for January 22-February 6, 2012. Organized by the DX Radio Amateur Club (DXARC) out of Colombia, the DXpedition boasts an international team of 16 operators from eight countries. Malpelo is currently #12 on DX Magazine’s 100 Most Needed Countries Survey.
According to DXpedition leader Jorge Prieto, HK1R, the HK0NA Team will depart from Buenaventura, Colombia on January 22 for the boat trip to Malpelo. Depending on sea and landing conditions, they expect to be on the air within 36 hours after landing on Malpelo. They will be using SSB, CW and Digital modes on 160-6 meters. Operations are planned on 160-6 meters on CW, SSB and Digital modes, including EME.
Malpelo is an uninhabited island, except for a small military post manned by the Colombian Army, which was established in 1986. Visitors to the island need a written permit from the Colombian Ministry of Ecology. In July 2006, Malpelo was declared a natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In 1969, 12 radio amateurs -- including then-ARRL President Bob Dennison, W0DX/VP2VI (SK) -- undertook a DXpedition to Malpelo Island where they encountered pirates and sharks. Click here for their story.