Noted DXer Mathias Bjerrang, LA5NM/JW5NM, passed away October 11. He was 67. While in Svalbard, Norway, Bjerrang slipped and fell while walking, hitting his head and was later found Sunday morning, cold and unable to speak. He was brought inside where he later stopped breathing; he was unable to be resuscitated and died. A native of Norway, Bjerrang went on many cold weather DXpeditions, including the North and South Poles. Many times, he provided the sought-after double multiplier of Zone 40 and Svalbard in contests. Bjerrang earnedÂ
WAS as JW5NM andÂ
DXCC as both JW5NM and LA5NM; he was previously on the DXCC Honor Roll as JW5NM. Thanks to
The Daily DX for some information.