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New Section Managers Appointed in Orange and Eastern Washington


Carl Gardenias, WU6D, of Perris, California, is retiring as ARRL Orange Section Manager after serving in the position since 2003. His term of office had expired at the end of March, but he agreed to continue serving as SM until a successor was chosen.

A re-solicitation for Section Manager nominations in the Orange Section was issued this past spring. The only nominee responding by the June 4 deadline was Bob Turner, W6RHK, also of Perris, California. Turner’s elected 2-year term of office does not officially begin until October 1, and Gardenias has said he wished to step down as Section Manager at the end of June.

In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization, ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, has appointed Turner to start his term of office as the Orange Section Manager earlier than scheduled, with the appointment effective July 1. Walters made his decision after consulting with ARRL Southwestern Division Director Dick Norton, N6AA, and Gardenias. Turner has been the Section Emergency Coordinator for the past 10 years.

ARRL Eastern Washington Section Manager Jack Tiley, AD7FO, will be stepping down early from his term of office that concludes on September 30, 2021. Tiley, of Spokane Valley, has been Section Manager for 2 and a half years.

Jo Whitney, KA7LJQ, was the only nominee when the June 4 nomination deadline arrived, and she was declared elected. Whitney initially was scheduled to start her term of office on October 1, but because Tiley is stepping down before the end of his term, Walters, after consulting with ARRL Northwestern Division Director Mike Ritz, W7VO, has appointed Whitney to start her term of office on July 1

Whitney, of Yakima, has been an ARRL Emergency Coordinator since 2003, and she served as a District Emergency Coordinator in 2018 and 2019. 



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