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The ARRL RTTY Roundup is on January 2 – 3


The 2021 ARRL RTTY Roundup on January 2 – 3 features two new multioperator categories: multi-two (M2) and multi-multi (MM). Since M2 and MM are new categories, there are no existing records, so the high scores for these categories will, by default, become the new records. High scores are kept by US call area, ARRL Division, ARRL Section, Canadian Province, and DX entity. Current ARRL RTTY Roundup all-time records.

If you’re new to RTTY or digital modes, in the RTTY Roundup, operators worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using Baudot RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet. Automated operation is not permitted; each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.

If you have to look outside your immediate household for M2 or MM operators and you’re already set up for RTTY or FT8/FT4, consider staying safe and letting other team members access your station remotely via AnyDesk or another sharing technology. Key to making this easy and frustration-free for all involved is that all aspects of your station’s operation be controllable from your logging computer’s desktop, and that the RTTY audio be audible to the remote operator (if using RTTY) via the sharing software.

It is possible to do RTTY without listening to the receiver and just by watching the decode and X – Y or waterfall, but it’s not recommended. Many, if not most, RTTY operators prefer low-level audio to signal when other stations are transmitting. For those using FTx modes, all you really need is the screen display.

Contacts must be made on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode.  The ARRL RTTY Roundup begins at 1800 UTC on January 2 and wraps at 2359 UTC on January — Thanks to Brian Moran, N9ADG



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