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Applying for a Vanity Call

How to Apply for a Vanity Call Sign

Individuals must apply online by logging into their license account in the
FCC License Manager filing system. In the License Manager section click on the link that states “apply for vanity callsign”.  The applying amateur must have their FRN (FCC Registration Number) and their CORES/License password to log into the system.

Amateur Radio club v
anity filing instructions are available on the Club Call Sign page.

The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including vanity call sign requests. View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage. After completing the application online, if a payment is required, the system will automatically open a page asking how the applicant wants to pay and will walk the applicant through the payment process.

AVAILABLE CALL SIGNS INSTRUCTIONS --  The FCC Licensing and Support staff cannot provide assistance or guidance in determining the availability of amateur call signs. Applicants applying for a specific (vanity) call sign will need to independently research the FCC license and application databases before deciding to file an application.

The FCC has Amateur Call Sign Availability instructions on their Wireless Knowledge Base website. These instructions provide guidance on call sign availability, call sign assignment, searching a callsign, as well as the relevant websites that are necessary to search before beginning the process of requesting a specific call sign. The FCC has supplied these instructions hoping it will help the Amateur community file their applications and minimize application dismissals due to a call sign not being available.
Other websites that offer information and help with locating available call signs

FCC SUPPORT  --  If you have any questions or issues with the password to login, call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET) or reset the password online using the FCC's Wireless Licensing Help Center website. The FCC’s Knowledge Base website has other available resources and instructions to help the Amateur community.

IMPORTANT  --  Amendments to the application will alter the orginal filing date according to the FCC's information regarding revising or amending a pending application.

Amendment (AM) – A request to revise a previously filed, currently pending application. If the amendment is major, the amended application is treated as a new application with a new filing date. If the amendment is minor, the original application receipt date is retained. See applicable Commission Rules.

Applicants seeking a systematically issued sequential call sign change can also apply online in the License Manager system

Filing Procedures

  • Processing Times-

    Applying for a vanity call sign online is fairly easy and should take less than 5 minutes. The applicant will know immediately the FCC has received the request and that the application was completed correctly.  After submitting the application form, you will receive an FCC application file number.  The FCC takes 18 days to process applications for vanity call signs. 

  • Request By List+

  • Request By Former Holder+

  • Request In Memoriam+

Additional Information

  • Help on the FCC website-

    Access the FCC ULS system and click on “File Online” to access the FCC's interactive License Manager system. Have your FRN (FCC Registration Number) and password available for login. Visit the FCC's Vanity FAQ page for more information.

    Additional information can be found on Amateur Radio Service section of the FCC's ULS website.

    If you have any questions or issues with the password to login, call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET) or reset the password online using the FCC's Wireless Licensing Help Center website.

  • What Happens After I Submit My Online Application?+

  • When Can I Begin Using my New Vanity Call Sign?+

  • What if, After I'm Granted a Vanity Call Sign, I Decide I Would Like My Old Call Sign Back?+

  • Amateur Radio Clubs+

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